FAQs - Gastric Sleeve

FAQs / Gastric Sleeve

Frequently Asked Questions about Gastric Sleeve

What is Sleeve Gastrectomy?

LGSR is a surgical weight-loss procedure in which the stomach is reduced to about 20-30% of its original size, by surgical removal of a large portion of the stomach along the major curve of stomach. The remaining stomach looks like a tube often called as stomach tube The procedure permanently reduces the size of the stomach. The patient feels full after a small intake of food.

Also very important is the fact that it preserves the pylorus, the valve that regulates emptying of the stomach. This acts as "natures band" and allows food to hold up in the stomach for a while, making the person feel full while the food trickles out. Coupled with the fact that there is no rearrangement of the bowel, it also means dumping and marginal ulcers are not a problem. The The normal satiety mechanism is preserved .

How the Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure is done?

The majority of weight loss sleeve gastrectomies performed today use a laparoscopic technique, which is considered minimally invasive. Laparoscopic surgery usually produces a shorter stay in hospital, faster recovery, smaller scars, and fewer pain than open surgical treatments.

The amount of time from the surgery varies. One study found that the average operative time was 1.5 to three hours and also the average hospital stay was 2 to 5 days. Patients usually go back to normal activities in 2 weeks and are fully recovered in 30 days.

Who is potential candidate for Sleeve Gastrectomy?

You qualify if:

  • You weigh twice your ideal body weight or You are overweight by 100 lbs or more
  • You have a BMI (body mass index) more than 40 or
  • You have a BMI more than 35 with co-morbidities (illnesses related to being overweight).
  • You are overweight for 5 years or more
  • You have failed to lose weight or sustain weight loss under supervision
  • You are willing to comply with lifestyle and diet changes .
How Long Will Patient Stay In The Hospital?

As long as it takes to be self-sufficient. Although it can vary, hospital stay (excluding the day of surgery) can be 3 to 4 days for a laparoscopic Sleeve Gatrectomy. After leaving the hospital, you may be able to care for all your personal needs, but will need help with shopping, lifting and with transportation.

What is the main advantage of the Sleeve Gastrectomy?

There are two advantages to the sleeve over a gastric bypass:

  1. There is no malabsorption of nutrients or vitamins, unlike with gastric bypass.  The risk of developing malnutrition or a vitamin deficiency is therefore very low.  
  2. The risk of a sleeve gastrectomy is slightly lower than a gastric bypass in most studies, yet the rate of weight loss is about the same.

Will I need to take vitamins?
Vitamin deficiencies are rare with this procedure because there is no intestinal bypass. However, the procedure is very restrictive so most surgeons recommend that patients take a multivitamin, calcium and possibly a B12 vitamin after surgery.
Will I regain weight?
All patients undergoing weight loss surgery are at risk for weight regain. None of the operations can prevent this. Those patients who maintain good dietary habits and exercise patterns are more likely to keep the weight off than those who do not exercise and who snack frequently.
What Can Patient Eat After Sleeve Gastrectomy?

Immediately After Lap. Gastric Sleeve (First few days)

The day after the operation, you may take a little more fluid, but only a small amount at any one time, otherwise you risk nausea and vomiting. Try to choose liquids with an adequate amount of calories.

1-4 Weeks After Sleeve Gastrectomy

During this period you may enjoy the following liquids and very soft foods:

  • Clear broth or soup (without vegetables or meat or cream)
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Skimmed milk
  • Jello
  • Fruit juice or pureed soft fruit.

4-6 Weeks After Lap. Sleeve Gastrectomy

During this period, you may start introducing thicker, or creamier soups. This helps you transition to more solid food. It is safer to consume softer foods that are easier to digest. At the end of this period you might include foods such as fish or moist white meat like chicken and. If you have any problems with solid foods and suffer from nausea or vomiting, return to the liquid diet immediately. Then slowly add soft foods to help you move on to solid foods later. Always ask for advice from your doctor or dietician..