FAQs - Liposuction

FAQs / Liposuction

Frequently Asked Questions about Liposuction

What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is the cosmetic plastic surgical procedure to remove pockets of fat that has not responded to diet and exercise. Liposuction was not intended as a means for weight loss.
Who is a potential candidate?
There is no definite age or weight limits. Most patients have localized fat deposits and some of our happiest patients are within ten to fifteen kgs. of their ideal weight, and have been stable at that weight for years. Some patients have certain bulges irrespective of their weight and others are content with their weight, but would be more comfortable if certain bulges were recontoured. The best candidates for liposuction are in good health and have realistic expectations of the benefits of liposuction.
Is Liposuction a treatment for obesity?
Liposuction is not an effective treatment for obesity and is not an alternative to dieting. The procedure works best on those whose weight is stable and/or have localized areas of fat deposits.
What areas of the body can benefit from this technique?
The most frequently treated areas in women include the waistline, abdomen, outer thighs, inner thighs, buttocks, knees, ankles, and neckline. In men, the most commonly treated areas are the love handles, breasts, abdomen, and neckline.
What types of liposuction methods are available?
There are different methods of liposuction that may include conventional liposuction, tumescent liposuction & ultrasonic liposuction. We prefer the tumescent liposuction.
How will the skin look after surgery?
Stretch marks, dimples, and ripples remain unchanged following surgery. The changes following liposuction are analogous to those one would expect if it were possible to lose an equal amount of fat in localized areas by dieting alone. Smaller cannulas allow the fibrous connections between the skin and body to remain. They contract or shorten during healing. For this reason, excessive skin folds are rare and in fact, many patients who would have previously required surgical excision of skin can have excellent results with liposuction alone.
How is fat removed from the bulge areas?
A cannula is a hollow tube with an opening near its blunt end and is inserted through small incisions beneath the skin and into the fatty tissue overlying the body's musculature. This cannula breaks up the fatty tissue creating a honeycombing of the fat. A vacuum pump connected to the other end of the cannula then evacuates the loosened fat cells underneath the skin surface through a series of openings at the tip end of the cannula. The smaller the cannula, the smaller the tunnels and the more even the reduction. After surgery, these tiny tunnels collapse resulting in an improved body contour.
What are the benefits of liposuction?
  • With a successful operation, it will make you feel good.
  • Having a good result, liposuction will enhance your self confidence.
  • You will notice the change in your appearance (take a picture before the operation to compare it after the surgery).
  • Loosing fat from the specific body parts instead of loosing it from everywhere .
  • Liposuction is a quick fix operation to get rid of your redundant fats.
How are the benefits of Liposuction measured?
The cosmetic success of liposuction relies on removing inches rather than kgs. Little weight is actually lost yet dramatic change in silhouette is possible. Most important is the body contouring, patient's satisfaction and increased self acceptance.
Are there any risks involved with a liposuction?
Every surgical procedure has risks and liposuction is no different, but the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons has recognized liposuction as a safe and effective method of removing localized fat areas. The most common risks of liposuction include infection, allergic reactions to anesthesia or to medications, friction burns, organ damage, fluid accumulation, blood clots, excessive fluid loss, and long healing time. The amount of fat being removed can increase the risk of liposuction because more fat will take longer to operate on.
How quickly will liposuction recovery take?
Liposuction patients are able to take care of themselves and move around within a 24-hour period following the surgical procedure. When large amounts of fat are removed a slightly longer recovery period may be necessary. Liposuction recovery will vary depending on individual factors and surgical complications.